How Long Do I Have To Sue Someone After An Injury – Statutes Of Limitation
Many people are reluctant to call a lawyer after they’ve been hurt as a result of someone else’s actions, but waiting too long can have a detrimental impact on your Georgia injury case. Waiting can even prevent you from having the ability to pursue your injury case in court.
Every day I get phone calls from injured people who want to know if they have a case. Some folks wait far too long to call. Sometimes, because they waited so long to call a lawyer, it may be too late for them to recover for their injuries. Some time limits (called an ante litem notice period for certain government entities) are as short as 6 months from the date of an injury.
One important time limit is called a statute of limitations (‘SOL’). Each state has statutes of limitation, and they vary from state to state. In Georgia, the SOL for most injury cases is typically two years from the date the accident/injury occurred. Though it gets complicated, and each case must be analyzed individually to determine the specifically applicable SOL, here are some general statutes of limitation for common cases: